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From BlackWhite magazine - issue 02, colourful outlook

We asked Resene Total Colour Lifetime Achievement Award winners and the names behind some popular magazines and blogs to weigh in on their favourite Resene hues, design icons they'd like to dine with and colour predictions for the year ahead.

  • Debbie Abercrombie - Interior Designer, Colour Specialist 2019 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

  • Darryl Church - Managing Director, DCA Architects of Transformation 2017 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

  • John Mills - Architect, John Mills Architects (JMA) 2016 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

  • Di Lucas, ONZM - Landscape Architect, Lucas Associates 2012 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

  • Roger Walker - Director, Roger Walker Architecture & Design Ltd. 2011 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

  • Sylvia Sandford - Designer, Decorator 2016 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner


Debbie Abercrombie

Which is your current favourite Resene colour, what do you like about it and how would you use it?

I'd have to say Resene Thumbs Up. It's warm, positive and has a nice energy without vibrating. I am mixing it with navy, aubergine, taupe and earthy greys to balance its punch.

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

I have always looked to better myself, better my knowledge and have followed my passion. It's worked, and I am exactly where I want to be. Stay on track and hold on to your focus to get there! When hurdles cross, take a deep breath and rather than them beating you, work out how to rise above each challenge. And finally, surround yourself with positive people – that can make or break holding onto that dream. Great friends are everything.

What do you see as being the biggest current challenge for the industry?

Adapting to new ways to communicate and new ways to run our businesses. An old saying that still works: be prepared for the worst, but expect the best.

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

Life is unpredictable. We have to be more flexible, more resilient and more giving. We will need and look for stability, and blues like Resene King Tide give us that. ‘Bouncing back' calls for yellows like Resene Thumbs Up. Nurturing greens like Resene Mother Nature stand for resiliency and holding your ground. And lastly, I am sure the grey palette will continue as it is calming, stable, flexible and versions like Resene Porter work with all of the above.

If you were to go out and splurge on any one home décor item right now, what would it be and why?

A great outdoor table, as we may still end up spending time at home and then I could leave the ‘office' for a coffee on the new fabulous outdoor table! I would pick chairs for it that are edgy but super comfortable.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

Kelly Hopper. She's current, edgy, not affordable – dream big!

What is one design trend that you would like to see disappear?

All this fluffy stuff. Upholstered legs in bouclé... really???

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be and why?

To eliminate greed and power for the wrong reasons. Pretty heavy, but I like that in New Zealand we have shown that the human race can work together for a common goal. Everything comes at a cost, but I am sure the sacrifices we made to get through this last year came at a lesser cost than if we hadn't made the effort.

Resene Thumbs Up

Resene Mother Nature

Resene King Tide

Resene Porter

Darryl Church

Which is your current favourite Resene colour?

I don't have a specific favourite, but I've always been drawn to the colour blue and varying shades of blue. So, on that basis, the last blue shade I used was Resene Horizon, and it looked amazing in the space.

Darryl Church
Darryl Church
Managing Director, DCA Architects of Transformation 2017 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

There was a time where I wished I had more confidence in what I was doing across all aspects of my life. Being a husband, becoming a father, becoming a business owner and being a designer. Self-doubt manifested as anxiety. If I could go back to a younger me, I would say, you're doing ok, you can't fast track life or experience. It's a long game, enjoy the ride.

What do you see as being the biggest current challenge for the industry?

One of our challenges is also one of our greatest opportunities. Computer software technology is advancing and there is always a fine tension between being ahead of the curve and being a guinea pig. Being the first is expensive and risky. Our position with technology would be what I'd call early adopters, but not experimental.

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

The world is still largely experiencing a pandemic, forcing people to work from home – often in small, restricted spaces, creating social isolation and higher levels of stress and anxiety. I think a palette of colours creating solace and calm that evokes a desire for healthy, earthy nature will be popular in home décor.

Eames lounge chair and ottoman

Eames lounge chair and ottoman.

If you were to go out and splurge on any one home décor item right now, what would it be and why?

I've always wanted an original Eames lounge chair and ottoman. Classic, timeless design, timber, steel and leather, exquisitely built by Herman Miller, and maybe because I'm getting older, I could see myself spending a lot of time in it with my feet up relaxing, reading a good book.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

I have to confess, I'm a bit of a fan boy of Bjarke Ingels. He appears to be very personable, and I align with his approach to architecture. Quick story: three years ago, I was in New York and on the last day – in true Kiwi style – I was like, ‘bugger it, I'm going to turn up at the BIG office unannounced and ask to have a look around'. So, I plucked up the courage, walked into the reception in downtown Manhattan and they had moved their office the day before to the other side of the river. So close.

What is one design trend that you would like to see disappear?

I'm feeling a bit over black cladding.

Resene Horizon

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Flying. Who wouldn't want to fasten on a cape and go for a fly during your lunch break?

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be and why?

A teleportation machine to travel from one place to another instantly. I'm all about the time at a destination and not so much the journey. It would definitely make my life easier.

John Mills

Which is your current favourite Resene colour, what do you like about it and where would you use it?

Resene Soulful. It's mellow and could be used for all the walls and ceiling in a bedroom. Maybe even the floor.

John Mills
John Mills
Architect, John Mills Architects (JMA) 2016 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Always have the dessert too.

What do you see as being the biggest current challenge for the industry?

Maintaining a fresh outlook and never compromising on build and design quality.

Key colour and design predictions for the year ahead?

When I'm working on projects, I personally have a really good look through colour forecasts then endeavour to come up with interiors that are in quite another moodscape, which I guess is anti-trend. Resene colours are wonderful and diverse, and each of our projects gets a unique family of them – there's plenty for everyone!

If you were to go out and splurge on any one home décor item right now, what would it be?

More dark coloured natural sheepskins. They're so comfortable to sit and read on.

A William Morris-inspired wallpaper design

Resene Wallpaper Collection KEN502, a William Morris-inspired design.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

William Morris. A lot of our interior concepts begin with him, including the vision that you should only have what you know to be practical and believe to be beautiful within your home.

What is one design trend that you would like to see disappear?

Resene Soulful

Ever growing sprawling suburbs of only either beige or grey where developers/land agents say, ‘this is what everyone likes right now'. As Oscar Wilde said, “fashion is something so ugly, you have to change it every six months.”

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Flying silently in the air and through the ocean, like I do in my dreams – doesn't everyone?

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be?

I'd love to see an eternal vege garden in every home. More baby carrots, anyone?

Di Lucas, ONZM

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

To record the histories that I've been told through my life, whether it's from my nana and mum at Bendigo or the iwi that I've been honoured to work with over the decades. So many of those people that I've had the chance to hear stories from are gone, and those histories have been lost.

Di Lucas
Di Lucas, ONZM
Landscape Architect, Lucas Associates 2012 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

What do you see as being the biggest current challenge for the industry?

Genuine sustainability, because so much of what is talked about with sustainability is superficial and about instant gratification.

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

It's time for a Seachange
So embrace the Tussock
Nurture Pohutukawa
With Kelp forests below
Ponder the Horizon.

If you were to go out and splurge on any one home décor item right now, what would it be and why?

An extra worm farm, because all our green waste goes into our worm farms and feeds our vegetable gardens. I had my tī kōuka (cabbage tree) leaves woven into kete (baskets) that I grow my salad greens in, so maybe I'd also get a weaver to make me a new kete.

Di's kete basket

Sítio Roberto Burle Marx in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Basket: Di's kete basket.  Garden: Sítio Roberto Burle Marx in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

Roberto Burle Marx. He was a landscape architect who explored the native biomes of Brazil and got all those wonderful species into the parks in Rio de Janeiro, etc. I heard him speak in 1978, and people said that if I went and talked to him he would probably invite me into his office to colour his drawings, however, it felt silly to do that at the time. But having dinner with him now would be very nice!

What is one design trend that you would like to see disappear?

Overly dark roofs. I think we need to get away from near-black roofs, but I also don't want to see near-white roofs. We need mid-range tones. But I'm not a fan of Permanent Green roofs either as it's too blue-green and not sympathetic to the natural greens of our surroundings.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To be able to access the ancient knowledge of our diverse lands and the nature and culture of our places.

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be and why?

Something that could instantly convert the giant carbon store of files that I keep in my garage to digital files.

Roger Walker

Which is your current favourite Resene colour, what do you like about it and where would you use it?

Resene Bright Red. It's a pure, classic and strong colour and I would use it to accent important external and internal walls, exposed structural steel and secondary elements such as doors.

Roger Walker
Roger Walker
Director, Roger Walker Architecture & Design Ltd. 2011 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Be bold. Billy Connolly once said, “there are some people who think black and white are colours.”

What do you see as being the biggest current challenge for the industry?

Better multi-unit house designs and build affordability.

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

A tendency for warmer colours: Resene Whiskey Sour, Resene Putty, Resene Twizel, Resene Pohutukawa, Resene Flax, Resene Moonbeam, Resene Spring Fever, Resene Perfume and Resene Proton metallic.

If you were to go out and splurge on any one home décor item right now, what would it be and why?

A flat screen TV for entertainment and stress relief.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

Kevin McCloud. I have great respect for Grand Designs and his passion for social housing.

What is one design trend that you would like to see disappear?

Grey hip roofs and beige shiplap weatherboards.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Perfect memory – every person I have met, their stories and my holiday details, everything I have learnt.

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be?

Everlasting life.

Sylvia Sandford

Which is your current favourite Resene colour, what do you like about it and where would you use it?

I've worked in colour for a long time, and I don't even have a favourite colour. I appreciate colour for what it is, and I've never had a favourite colour. I just love them all. If it's used appropriately, it's utterly divine, and it doesn't matter what colour it is.

Sylvia Sandford
Sylvia Sandford
Designer, Decorator 2016 Resene Total Colour Lifetime Award Winner

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

When I lecture, I always say, ‘go through every door'. Open yourself to the world, explore as much as you can, have as many adventures as you can and educate yourself more. Widen your horizons, grab opportunities, sleep well and eat well.

What do you see as being the biggest current challenge for the industry?

Misleading information. I think because our industry has grown exponentially, there isn't enough clarity around products, and I think that it's too easy to buy products that are not well made. We need to encourage people to buy quality. We also need to look at building support for our local industry and use our creativity to not rely so much on the overseas market.

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

We need colours that are going to support us, lift our spirits and anchor us as we continue moving through the challenges of the pandemic. I think we might see a slight move away from the sharpness of black and will instead look to a softer variation like Resene Double Foundry. It's moody and mystical and gives you the impression of black, but it has a warmth to it that black doesn't. I think we'll see more gold or yellow, and the beauty of colours like Resene Thumbs Up is they glow in the sunshine and lift your spirits on a grey day. If it's used in the right proportions, Resene Thumbs Up can be so inspirational and nurture you so well. And I think that every room needs a shot of red, such as good old Resene Pohutukawa. It never fails and it's easy on the eyes. Resene Double Foundry and Resene Thumbs Up will anchor and lift our spirits, and that shot of red through Resene Pohutukawa will give us that shot of liveliness we need right now.

If you were to go out and splurge on any one home décor item right now, what would it be and why?

A beautiful, well-designed, high-quality, comfortable and timeless set of outdoor furniture that'll withstand the ravages of the weather. The outdoors has become a very important part of our lifestyle and it adds so much to our quality of living, so I'd like the right table and chairs to enjoy it more.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

There's a chap called Billy Baldwin who was a lively and exciting American decorator. One of his lines was that every house should have a silver ceiling. When I heard that, I went straight down to the Resene ColorShop, picked up a tin of silver paint and used it on the ceiling of the powder room I was working on at the time. I'd like to thank him for that inspiration and would adore to have dinner with him.

What is one design trend that you would like to see disappear?

People are very vulnerable and believe what they see. They don't know how much quality needs to go in to achieving that meticulously designed space they saw on Pinterest, and often there is too much disappointment. So, I'd like to see misleading information disappear. Knowledge is so key and people shouldn't be afraid to source knowledge from those who might have more than they have.

Resene Thumbs Up

Naomi Larkin

Which is your favourite Resene colour and why do you like it?

Too hard! There are sooo many colours I like that it's impossible to pick just one.

Naomi Larkin
Naomi Larkin
Editor, NZ House & Garden magazine

Are you a ‘DIY perfectionist' or do you ‘leave it to the professionals'?

I'm more of a supervisor. I leave the real stuff to the professionals.

What has been your favourite painting, wallpapering or staining project that you have done (or have had done) and what did you like about the outcome?

A small townhouse I lived in and renovated the living/dining/kitchen were all in one room. I carried a wallpaper through on one wall, which included covering the kitchen splashback part with glass so you could still see the wallpaper. It was bold but it united the whole room and also injected pattern and colour.

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

Colours that evoke words like toffee, caramel and biscuit are becoming increasingly popular. As interiors and fashion are so intertwined, you can expect to see more colour blocking. Yellow and grey are perennial partners. If blue is your thing, then Resene Duck Egg Blue, Resene Dusted Blue and Resene Safehaven are a good combo.

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Prioritise travelling.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

Patricia Urquiola – pretty much everything she touches is magic.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To pick the right Lotto numbers when the stakes are the highest.

Resene Safehaven

Louise Hilsz

Which is your favourite Resene colour and why do you like it?

Resene Niagara. It's the perfect turquoise colour offering the right amount of brightness and happiness.

Louise Hilsz
Louise Hilsz
Style Director, BeautyEQ, Freelance Stylist

What has been your favourite painting, wallpapering or staining project that you have done (or have had done) and what did you like about the outcome?

My latest project painting our outdoor furniture in colourful stripes was fun and close to my heart as it was for my new puppy, Pickle's puppy shower.

Are you a ‘DIY perfectionist' or do you ‘leave it to the professionals'?

DIY all the way!

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

Orange! Used tonally, Resene Adrenalin, Resene California and Resene Daredevil are a great trio. But I also love Resene Adrenalin paired with Resene Southern Cross and Resene Pink Panther.

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don't try to rush through your career. For me it has changed so much over the years and each experience has been worthy. Enjoy the moments as they happen instead of thinking about what is next.

Colourful outdoor picnic table

Pickle's outdoor table in Resene Adrenalin, Resene Smashing, Resene Niagara, Resene Southern Cross, Resene Kingfisher Daisy, Resene Curious Blue, Resene Pink Panther and Resene All Black.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

Alex Proba. I am obsessed with her work and desperately want one of her rugs. Her use of colour and design is amazing. She's had a really fascinating career and I would love to hear about everything from her work at Nike to painting pools in Palm Springs.

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be?

Virtual 3D zoos so we would no longer have animals kept in captivity, and especially not have any more being caught for captivity.

Clare Chapman

Which is your favourite Resene colour and why do you like it?

Resene Duck Egg Blue. It's a lovely soft, relaxing colour that pairs well with lots of different tones.

Clare Chapman
Clare Chapman
Editor in Chief, HOME magazine

What has been your favourite painting, wallpapering or staining project that you have done (or have had done) and what did you like about the outcome?

I loved a little project that a friend and I started on a whim during a renovation of an old villa in Waikato. We needed to bring a dated room into the present and decided to strip and paint two beautifully crafted hearths deep black. It instantly modernised the room, accentuated the lines and curves of the woodwork, and I loved the contrast between the white walls and black fireplaces.

Are you a ‘DIY perfectionist' or do you ‘leave it to the professionals'?

I never say no to a bit of DIY but will hand things over when I know a project is beyond my abilities. Sometimes (read: often) though, that knowledge comes partway through a good DIY episode!

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

I think natural, earthy tones will be key this year, especially with many of us considering our homes in different ways – and working from home more often. I'm loving Resene Haven, Resene Neutral Bay and Resene Elderflower.

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Definitely, ski more!

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

Antoni Gaudi. I've always been intrigued by his work, and how he created it.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

I'd fly. Yes, it may sound childish, but wouldn't it just be amazing to sail over all that Auckland traffic at a moment's notice?

Resene Elderflower

Vanessa Marshall

Which is your favourite Resene colour and why do you like it?

To get the dramatic look I wanted for my ceilings, I chose Resene Bokara Grey. It appears black but has a rich chocolatey warmth. It looks particularly striking at night.

Vanessa Marshall
Vanessa Marshall
Editor, Haven magazine

What has been your favourite painting, wallpapering or staining project that you have done (or have had done) and what did you like about the outcome?

When renovating our 90-year-old bungalow, I painted the ceilings in the kitchen and dining room black. A lot of people told me not to, but they are one the most admired features in the house.

Are you a ‘DIY perfectionist' or do you ‘leave it to the professionals'?

Definitely a DIY imperfectionist.

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

Soothing green matched with earthy ochre is my palette choice this season. I'd try Resene Haven, Resene Seaweed and Resene Rusty Nail to create a vibe that feels soulful and organic.

Steel bottle

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Buy quality over quantity because it'll save you money in the long run.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

Edward Hauck. As the inventor of the cocktail shaker, I'm sure he'd be lots of fun to have around.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

To find anything that was lost. Anywhere, any time.

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be?

A product that cleaned windows once, so they never had to be cleaned again. Ever.

Fiona Hawtin

Which is your favourite Resene colour and why do you like it?

I've probably had the most success with Resene French Grey but fantasise about doing something with Resene Glorious.

Fiona Hawtin
Fiona Hawtin
Editor, Your Home and Garden magazine

What has been your favourite painting, wallpapering or staining project that you have done (or have had done) and what did you like about the outcome?

My concrete-coloured dining room. It's a paint effect (achieved mostly through careless paint technique) that really does emulate concrete and there's a wax overlay so it's indestructible. Best Zoom backdrop ever.

Are you a ‘DIY perfectionist' or do you ‘leave it to the professionals'?

I'm strictly DIY but so far from perfectionist I really should call the professionals. You should see my skirting boards.

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

Who'd have thought beige-on-beige would be so desirable? I love that modern organic interiors respond so well to Resene Bone and Resene Sour Dough but I do love the drama of Resene Cafe Royale and, personal picks, Resene Beethoven and Resene Kandinsky are up there as well.

Sagrada Familia basilica in Barcelona

Sagrada Familia basilica in Barcelona, designed by Antoni Gaudi.

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Baby oil and sunbathing are not a marriage made in heaven.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

Architect and furniture designer Antoni Gaudi. Everything he did, right down to his chairs, is awe-inspiring. And for jolly good fun, Jonathan Adler. We could talk pottery.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Not exactly a superpower, but I'd love to have a photographic memory. I could do away with all the Post-it notes littering my desk and not forgetting people's names two minutes after they've told me.

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be?

A teleportation machine. I'm so sick of getting stuck in Auckland traffic.

Simon Farrell-Green

Which is your favourite Resene colour and why do you like it?

It's a bit lame but I always come back to Resene Alabaster – it is the perfect white.

Simon Farrell-Green
Simon Farrell-Green
Founder and Editor, Here magazine

What has been your favourite painting, wallpapering or staining project that you have done (or have had done) and what did you like about the outcome?

We painted our old house several times through several phases – initially just to make it liveable as it was a very tired former rental, then later as we renovated different parts. It did feel like I painted the same walls about six times. We always used Resene Alabaster in a matt finish as a base across walls, trim and ceiling and then introduced colour on things like cabinetry and the doors – each bedroom door was a different colour, for instance, and we had a beautiful green-brass carpet.

Are you a ‘DIY perfectionist' or do you ‘leave it to the professionals'?

I've learned to be the latter – gardening and painting are the extent of my skills.

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

I think we're finally getting more confident with colour after years of white-on-white and timber – people often forget that New Zealand was previously very colourful and it's only in the past 20 or 30 years that we've gone to neutral. Unexpectedly, we've been playing around with muddy, in-between beiges and greiges in our new place – a 1907 villa (I always said I would never own a villa, but that's another story). I think it's a sort of reaction to the many open homes we attended which were painted a uniform shade of white, and it's also a reaction to the big ceiling height and warmth of a villa. We've taken the colours across walls, doors and architraves to de-emphasise the busyness of all the timberwork. It's quite beige, deliberately, as a backdrop for art and primary coloured furniture – we recently bought a new dining table in a sort of Yves Klein blue, which sits next to a bright green USM unit and in our bedroom our bedsides are bright yellow.

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Everything will be okay.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be?

I get stage fright in the presence of icons so can't imagine anything worse! I once had dinner with A.A. Gill and let me just say it wasn't the best night of my life.

Resene Alabaster

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

My son Ira reckons I should say ninja and my daughter Marti would like me to be a unicorn princess.

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be?

I'd like to solve climate change, but I think the Climate Change Commission has shown we don't need new tools for that – we just need to get our act together.

Alice Lines

Which is your favourite Resene colour and why do you like it?

Just one?! I'm drawn to different colours for different scenarios, but having specified Resene Merino quite a bit recently, I think it's the perfect stone white.

Alice Lines
Alice Lines
Editor, homestyle magazine

What has been your favourite painting, wallpapering or staining project that you have done (or have had done) and what did you like about the outcome?

In my role, I'm lucky enough to oversee paint trend projects for Resene in every issue of homestyle that we put together. It's always an exciting process researching where colour trends are moving internationally and interpreting them in ways that are inspiring and accessible for our readers. Recently, we've created a scenario for a statement entryway and the colour pairing is the perfect winter warmer.

Are you a ‘DIY perfectionist' or do you ‘leave it to the professionals'?

A little from column A and a little from column B. I love getting stuck into a project, but I know my limits too!

Key colour predictions for the year ahead?

Now more than ever, referencing our local landscape really resonates with me. I'm loving the calming effect of a palette that takes its cues from South Island alpine scenes – think earthy reds like Resene Scoria, leathery tans like Resene Tablelands and nature-inspired greens like Resene Flax and Resene Seaweed paired with dusty muted hues like Resene Craigieburn and Resene Settlement.

If you could go back in time and give a younger version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Travel more! As the saying goes, ‘travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer' – and this feels particularly poignant these days.

If you could have dinner with any design icon from the past or present, who would it be and why?

I would love a dinner date with Ilse Crawford. She's always been a design hero of mine – from her work as the founding editor of Elle Decoration to establishing Studioilse, her eponymous multi-disciplinary studio focusing on interior and furniture design.

If you could magically invent something that doesn't exist, what would it be?

Well, I could definitely do with a few more hours in the day. What could we invent for that?

Resene Tablelands

BlackWhite magazine

This is a magazine created for the industry, by the industry and with the industry – and a publication like this is only possible because of New Zealand and Australia's remarkably talented and loyal Resene specifiers and users.

If you have a project finished in Resene paints, wood stains or coatings, whether it is strikingly colourful, beautifully tonal, a haven of natural stained and clear finishes, wonderfully unique or anything in between, we'd love to see it and have the opportunity to showcase it. Submit your projects online or email You're welcome to share as many projects as you would like, whenever it suits. We look forward to seeing what you've been busy creating.

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Return to BlackWhite, issue 02


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